Monday, March 31, 2008

If only we had a video camera

I have in the past watched the odd things on YouTube and Google video but hadn't thought of it in terms of how we can utilize it in the library.

After coming across Olive Riley returns to Broken Hill on You Tube I realised what a fantastic way to record oral history. Olive was over 100 when she returned to Broken Hill and because she is such a character and her memory is so good she relates many stories and anecdotes from a bygone era with zest and wit.

I loved this video. I have an elderly neighbor who can spin spellbinding yarns for hours, if only we had a video camera at our library!

The new employee orientation video is a great idea and could be a time saving and therefore cost saving introduction. To be of benefit I think these videos need to be library specific rather than generic and be of a simple format that would allow economic, regular updating.

I also enjoyed the 2006 HSC art express video Stagenoise. The artists interviewed were confident behind the camera and I found YouTube a great vehicle for Year 12 students to display their works.

We have had some great storytime guests at our library, a drumming session, ukulele player and flamenco dancers. I wish we had thought to share this experience with others online.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Well you are certainly thinking about what you can do in your library. Some digital cameras have the capacity to record video as well as still images - you need to make sure your memory card is big enough. This may give you an option in the short term. It sound sounds like you have some really interesting events in your library which you may want to record.
