Monday, March 31, 2008

If only we had a video camera

I have in the past watched the odd things on YouTube and Google video but hadn't thought of it in terms of how we can utilize it in the library.

After coming across Olive Riley returns to Broken Hill on You Tube I realised what a fantastic way to record oral history. Olive was over 100 when she returned to Broken Hill and because she is such a character and her memory is so good she relates many stories and anecdotes from a bygone era with zest and wit.

I loved this video. I have an elderly neighbor who can spin spellbinding yarns for hours, if only we had a video camera at our library!

The new employee orientation video is a great idea and could be a time saving and therefore cost saving introduction. To be of benefit I think these videos need to be library specific rather than generic and be of a simple format that would allow economic, regular updating.

I also enjoyed the 2006 HSC art express video Stagenoise. The artists interviewed were confident behind the camera and I found YouTube a great vehicle for Year 12 students to display their works.

We have had some great storytime guests at our library, a drumming session, ukulele player and flamenco dancers. I wish we had thought to share this experience with others online.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Woolworths in Mullum?

I was able to find the following video on YouTube. It is exciting to find people well known to you just by doing a simple search. Once again the topic is Woolworths coming to Mullumbimby, these people are certainly passionate in their opposition.

Telstra site Mullumbimby

I found this on google video. The town of Mullumbimby was shocked to find out that our local Mallams store has been sold to Woolworths. There is very vocal opposition to Woolworths coming to town and the purchase of the Telstra site by Council was seen as a victory for this group. It adjoins the block that Woolworths will be building on and restricts the chance of their future expansion.

Monday, March 17, 2008


I have of course used Wikipedia in the course of my library duties but have had nothing to do with Wikis in general. What a great way to collect and share information providing that contributors meet the standards of quality and accuracy.

The first of the three wikis I chose to look at was Wisconsin Heritage Wiki. They are attempting to have all cultural institutions submit their digital content for access and the provide education and training opportunities. I found this site to be rather formal and technical, it didn't beckon me to stick around and I also found the format rather boring.

I then moved on the the Booklovers wiki created by Princeton Public Library where you were able to read and create reviews of book. You need to be enrolled in their summer reading club to be able to submit a revue so this makes it a locals only type Wiki. This was a very friendly, eyegrabbing site which even offers prizes to participants. There were simple instructions on how to write a review pointing out that approximately 50% of content should be a summary and the rest, your reactions to the book with your star rating. I found this site engaging and encouraging.

Next was the Montana History wiki. This wiki is not open to editing but you are able to email your comments which would allow you to point out anything that you considered to be lacking or in error. This wiki had a guide prominently featured for quick reference to disasters, firsts, place names, Montana symbols and elected officials and was easy and interesting to navigate.

I can see that wikis would be a wonderful way to share information in the library, although I presume it would have to be a closed model to combat vandalism. Unfortunately in NSW with funding issues and staff shortages there could be a problem with the wiki not being constantly updated and kept interesting and relevant.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Bad hair day

It is amazing the different way that images can be interpreted.

I found this when I decided to have a bit of fun with my image searching. I am finding the more I use Flickr the more confident I am becoming with my blogging.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Me and RSS

I have stumbled through Real Simple Syndication and now managed to get a number of feeds in my account. Must admit, couldn't have done it without a very patient, very clever colleague.
I used the NSW Public Libraries Learning 2.00 recommendations, I found there was enough happening without having to go out and do my own searches. Besides, the Powerhouse Museum's picture of the day will be a brilliant way to start my morning.

I enjoyed the YouTube introduction to rss. It was basic, this is how I need things. It immediately pointed out that with rss things came to me in the form of latest updates, I no longer had to go out and search. I can see how this can be a real time saver. I can have all my favorite sites listed and choose what up to date information I want to view, all from my own site.

I have now gone and done a search for rss and libraries and come across three very interesting sites. I hope to digest them tonight and really get a feel for how libraries can best use rss.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Riberry (Syzygium luehmannii)

Riberry (Syzygium luehmannii)
Originally uploaded by imbala
I found this photo while doing a Flickr search on our local community. The street outside our library is lined with Riberry trees. Each year a number of the local cooking enthusiasts (myself included) do a little raid and produce jam, chutneys and sauces from these edible berries. They are very attractive trees and I am all for the street planting of native trees that produce edible fruit. This year a young patron brought me in a jar of riberry sauce to have with Christmas dinner. She had it beautifully presented and I got a real buzz out of receiving it. The added bonus was that it was delicious!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Narrabeen Tidal Pool - Empty Pool

Oh, Narrabeen rock pool, how wonderful to find so many photos on flickr. I have so many memories of splashing away at Sunday swimming club, spending hot, balmy evenings diving in for a quick dip. I look forward to going back to this site to revisit my childhood.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Not in the air yet

It's time for another entry on my blog. Up until a week ago I would have thought I was writing another blog but now I know it is another post or entry. This gives you some idea of how basic my understanding of the blogging world is.

As yet I haven't received any comments although I have made a comment on another blog using a site I found on Technorati.

As I don't have the net at home and live in a small country town, the most convenient place for me to access the net on the weekend is the local RSL club which has a couple of public access computers free of charge. The yeasty smell of the venue and the squeals of excitement as someone gets free games on the pokies are an interesting background for my NSW Public Library Learning Activity. I may even win a chook!